Monday, April 19, 2010

Sew Fun...

Well, I got a sewing machine for Christmas and I guess I have been a little scared to try it out. I have been collecting lots of patterns and material and have some fun ideas so I decided to break it out yesterday. After fighting with the bobin things started to take shape. I kinda ignored the pattern and pieced it together myself. Hopefully that doesn't bite me in the long run. Anyway.... here is the finished project.

Everything fit great... except in the bust. I don't know what happened there:) And a huge thank you to my mother-in-law Diane for the Fabric! I love it:)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This one was fun for me. I love picking out things that match my house! So this project was so simple and easy..... not to mention inexpensive. I think total for the board, paper, and letters I maybe paid $4. And I love it. And I had the absolutely perfect place to put it!!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mellow Yellow

This is a nightstand I bought at the Good Will in Fountain Hills (seriously one of the greatest Good Wills ever!) It was a whopping $4 after my 20% off coupon. It had so much potential.

I have really been wanting to try this glaze technique that I saw HERE

I was really scared and nervous to try it I didn't think I had the talent. This night stand had just enough detail that I figured that it wouldn't hurt to try so here is how it went......

I had to Sand it first and let me tell you why. Do you remember in the 80's how the splattered pain look was totally cool. I guess this piece was from the 80's. Beneath the gold layer was a red layer and then blue, green, and yellow splatter! CRAZY. And all of the splatter was textured- thus the need for sanding.

Then I primed it. I tried the spray can primer first, but I am not such a huge fan. I had some laying around from back when we bought the house so used that. It took 3 layers to cover up was left of the splatter paint.

And I decided to venture out of my red and black comfort zone and go bold!!! Sunshine yellow:) Isn't it pretty:)

Then the glaze....

It was missing a knob, so I found some basic ones at Target. A 10 pack. They were oil-rubbed bronze, but I figured they could be come very versatile with a little paint. They worked out just perfect. And here is the finished product.....

And on my side note, I absolutely LOVE it:) I am so excited about this new technique and look. I can't wait to make a red one for my guest room. Also, since I don't have much yellow in my house I am selling this nightstand. If you are interested let me know....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

David's Chair

When we first started picking out furniture David found this chair. He loves it. It is a beautiful and sturdy chair, just a little bit worn.

I had a vision in my head for it. It sat on the porch for awhile until recently I sanded it just a bit and stained it. I think it turned out great! And I think David was pretty proud of it too:)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Layers and hundreds of staples

I bought this chair at GoodWill for $3. Yes I said $3. It was in pretty much perfect condition. I didn't love the green and I really didn't have a place to put it but it was so neat I had to get it.

So I brought it home and it just sat for awhile. I finally got to JoAnne's and headed straight for the fabric clearance bin to find the perfect fabric. I had about 6 different ones picked out and couldn't decide so I brought 3 of them home.

After I removed the seat from the chair to begin uncovering it so I could recover it, I found this!

HUNDREDS of staples. UGGGGH really, do you need that many staples. Just as I thought I was done.....

Two more layers and hundreds of more staples. Who recovers a chair 3 times without taking the layers of first! It was frustrating to say the least, but then it transformed to this

And I love it. It looks fantastic in our guest bedroom!