So this project has been long awaited for me. For months I was searching craigslist for the perfect dresser. It had to be wood and have detail and lots of potential. I was literally looking every couple of hours, every day, for about 2 months. Then I found this.....
What a masterpiece and it was only $35. Well, of course I had to be at work and my husband was dealing with a back injury. I was very disappointed but I called and they said they would save it for me, but my husband being the amazing man that he is went and picked it up for me anyway! It sat on the back porch for about a month- I was in school and just couldn't find the time. School is on break and so last week I dedicated myself to finishing this dresser. I had picked out fabric for our new duvet cover and finding the perfect blue to match seemed impossible. Walmart was the only place that had anything close to what I was looking for.
First I primed it (primer is my new best friend.... it really cuts down on the efforts of sanding!
Then painting it the color.... it looked much better on the dresser that in the can. i can I just give some advice here? Use spray paint. It is way easier and looks great.
Next was a coat or two of black glaze to make the beautiful intricate details pop! And here is the final product.....
I seriously am in L-O-V-E with this dresser. I sat on the floor in front of it with a huge smile on my face for like 20 minutes, just admiring it once it was in the bedroom. Seriously though I really did, my husband thinks I'm crazy!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
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You spray painted the whole thing? we were probably on Craig's list at the same time I was searching for a new dresser for the boys I finally found a masculine one I liked but I still haven't decided what color I should paint it but maybe two toned red and black might look cool.